I’m writing a book.
It’s titled
CASH IN: What To Do BEFORE, During & AFTER The Next Housing Market Crash
The book chronicles what I did to prepare for the crash of 2008, how I cashed in (but what I’m doing different to prepare now) and how you can copy the same strategies today.
I uncover the market insights you can use locally, how to “set-up” proper alliances for direct to source deal flow and a little secret I discovered that could have made me an extra $30M with no extra work.
…but I realized it too late…
It’s all going to be in the book.
I’m thinking about giving it away here (to my subscribers) but not sure if you’d want a copy or not.
Comment Below If You’d Like A Free Copy
Would you do me a favor and let me know if you’d like a FREE copy or not in the comments below. Just tell me WHY you’d like a copy and if I get enough people that share a good reason, I’ll give it away.
September 7, 2016As an experienced real estate investor it is important to always continue to learn from as many people possible what works. It’s best to surround yourself with people who are currently perfecting there business model. I certainly would like a copy of this book
Craig van Dernoot
September 7, 2016I had to focus on some other things since last we met, but time to get back to this. Thank you.
September 7, 2016Looking forward to the new book.
Bill Wiley
September 7, 2016Rob, count me in. As u know I have purchased several of ur programs and u havent let me down yet. Keep it coming. Last couple years have been great, staying busy, making money. I believe with Specialized knowledge we will continue to make money in up or down markets. We just need to be ready as market conditions shift to be prepared to shift with it.
Greg Stoner
September 7, 2016I’d like a free copy
Virgil Pratt
September 7, 2016Hey Rob, Thank for reaching out and I definitely would like to receive your book. The market is shifting and being prepared is an asset.
Marian Henry
September 7, 2016Yes would like a copy of the book!!!!
Mary Suliman
September 7, 2016I would like to have a copy of your free book,
Thank you,
September 7, 2016I would like a free copy please. It’s time to get off of this hamster wheel. Thanks.
Shirley Hinton
September 7, 2016Yes, please, I would like a copy. You cannot have too much knowledge and a wise person prepares for the future. Everyone should be requesting a copy. Thank you for even considering to share.
Susie Davis
September 7, 2016Look forward to learning new things so definitely am interested in your book.
September 7, 2016Great
September 8, 2016Hey, Rob , I’m all ways interested in what you are doing and what you have to said.So let me know how the book go’s.if it’s like all the passed info. Count me in. Thanks so much for your insight into the Real State world.
Gene Peck
September 8, 2016Yes! certainly interested in a copy. Sounds like something to learn from. Wondering, though, how the “corrective actions” since 2008 will allow the same strategies and techniques to be applied tomorrow.
Valerie Baines
September 8, 2016Top of the day, Rob, how are you? Great!!, I hope. Yes, I’d like a free copy of the book. In today’s economy, if an individual isn’t looking for another income stream, or multiple income streams, then, they’re likely to get financially behind. It’s crowded, and messy at the bottom!! There’s 3 reasons for failure. 1- Individuals don’t follow instructions. 2- Individuals don’t listen, and 3-They don’t pay attention!! Yes!! You’ve got it!! Best wishes!!, and thank you for sharing!!(Smile)- Valerie ??
Tim Piso
September 8, 2016Can’t wait to get more golden nuggets.
Steven Masry
September 8, 2016Totally want to be ready before the next crash!! I want it.
Danny Welsh
September 8, 2016Yes, I’m reading it!
Paul Koch
September 8, 2016Yes, would very much appreciate of free copy of your book, especially because of your stated insights into what you could have/should have done differently, or in-addition-to what you did back then, to generate your stated additional $30,000,000. As, everyone – at some point in their life – typically says -“If I only knew then what I know now ” !
Michael F
September 8, 2016There is another major storm coming which could be worst than 2008. I want to be in a position to prosper instead a bring a victim. Count me in for the market insight.
Harry Atlas
September 8, 2016This sounds really interesting. I wish I would have looked at these issues prior to the last crash.
September 8, 2016would like to get a copy of your book. would be interested to see what you have to say
September 8, 2016Of course ~ It’s a no brain-er ~ I would like to read it.
September 8, 2016I don’t want to get slammed by the crash AND I want to be prepared to use it as an opportunity to build wealth. I would love to get a free copy of your book!
September 8, 2016Yes Rob. I would like a copy of your new book. Your information and points of view have been very realistic, up front and insiteful. They reflect the amount and extent of your experience. Thks for sharing.
September 8, 2016Can’t Wait!
Don Austin
September 9, 2016I have purchased courses and information from you in the past.
It’s always been for real. I have been investing for 35 years and I always look for new material and ideas. Would like a copy.
Thanks again.
September 9, 2016Would be interested to see what you have to say. Also always good to read and learn new strategies.
Thank you
September 22, 2016Yes, I’m interested. I missed out during the last crash.
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